Symbol Entities in HTML

Math and Logic symbols

Example Named Numeric Description
×××multiplication sign
÷÷÷division sign
···middle dot
°°°degree sign
ππϖpi symbol
″″double prime
⁄⁄fraction slash
∀∀for all
¹¹¹superscript one
ºººmasculine ordinal indicator
ªªªfeminine ordinal indicator
±±±plus- minus sign
²²²superscript two
³³³superscript three
´´´acute accent
µµµmicro signB5
∂∂partial differential
∃∃there exists
∈∈element of
∋∋contains as member
∏∏n- ary product
∑∑n- ary summation
−−minus sign
√√square root
∝∝proportional to
¬¬¬not sign
∧∧logical and
∨∨logical or
≅≅approximately equal to
≈≈almost equal to
≠≠not equal to
≡≡identical to
≤≤less- than or equal to
≥≥greater- than or equal to
⊂⊂subset of
⊃⊃superset of
⊆⊆subset of or equal to
⊇⊇superset of or equal to
⊕⊕circled plus
⊥⊥up tack
¼¼¼vulgar fraction one- quarter
½½½vulgar fraction one- half
¾¾¾vulgar fraction three- quarters