Symbol Entities in HTML

Bullets and Arrows

Example Named Numeric Description
←←leftward arrow
↑↑upward arrow
→→rightward arrow
↓↓downward arrow
↔↔left right arrow
⇒⇒rightward double arrow
⇔⇔left- right double arrow

Markup and Printer Symbols

Example Named Numeric Description
   non- breaking space
­­­soft hyphen
‌‌zero width non- joiner
‍‍zero width joiner
‎‎left- to-right mark
‏‏right- to-left mark
––en dash
——em dash
‘‘left single quotation mark
’’right single quotation mark
‚‚single low-9 quotation mark
““left double quotation mark
””right double quotation mark
„„double low-9 quotation mark
"""quotation mark
<&lt;&#60;less- than sign
>&gt;&#62;greater- than sign
ˆ&circ;&#710;modifier letter circumflex accent
&lsaquo;&#8249;single left- pointing angle quotation
&rsaquo;&#8250;single right- pointing angle quotation
¦&brvbar;&#166;broken vertical bar
§&sect;&#167;section sign
&para;&#182;pilcrow sign
»&raquo;&#187;right- pointing double angle quotation mark
«&laquo;&#171;left- pointing double angle quotation mark